

深圳恒强(东南亚)电子实业公司广告机解决方案提供商元石科技广告机- 楼宇广告机-车载广告机-长途客车车载广告机-船舶广告机-商场广告机-酒店广告机-机场广告机-车站广告机-邮局广告机-银行广告机-医院广告机-展会广告机-写字楼广告-媒体广告广告机-音乐广告机软件开发-硬件开发-板卡开发元石科技是以概念型电子产品定向开发为核心;以软件开发硬件开发、单片机程序设计开发、无线数据传输自动化系统伺服控制、产品外观造型设计、产品结构设计的服务为基础;以客户的实际需求,工业技术的不断创新为导向; 结合"轻松体验为您设计"的产品解决方案为使命;以孕育精致/稳定/动人的产品为开发宗旨,务求持续地研发可转移到创新电子行业的技术方案支持,从而协助客户开发出更具感官体验的震撼产品,以此满足市场的潜在需求。

Jining Stone Factory is a professional production of a small crane tires crane modern joint-stock company, Jining High-tech enterprises. Taken in 2007 is ISO: 9001 quality management system certification and the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, crane, "special equipment manufacturing license." Stone crane provided by the Chinese people, the quality of insurance, property insurance company. Companies registered capital of 8 million yuan, fixed assets, 6.3 million yuan, the company is located in Jining City Industrial Park, Long Gully, an area of 60,000 square meters

The company developed STYQ3-12T series tires crane, especially for urban and rural construction, landscaping, electrical equipment installation and construction of small water projects. Their products with advanced technology and excellent performance, reasonable structure, easy operation, safe to use, looks great Fangxin Ying. Annual production of 3T-12T crane 4000 sets of tires. Address: Jining Canal power plant south (by bus No 11, under Stone Company)


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