

价格:面议 2022-11-18 01:21:01 699次浏览


HOLPOSON® Ironing Free

HOLPOSON® Ironing Free 树脂是纤维素纤维及其混纺织物洗可穿免烫整理的无甲醛整理剂,主要应用于以衬衫、职业装、帽子为主的服装面料的防皱整理,赋予面料良好的防皱免烫性能,穿着时不受拘束,不易起皱,手感柔软。


外 观 白色粘稠液

溶解性 以任意比例稀释溶于冷水中

配伍性 可与大多数整理助剂混用,与其它助剂混用前,建议先试验。



HOLPOSON® Ironing Free 40~ 160g/L

轧液率 70 %

一浸一轧 → 烘干(110℃×1~3 分钟) → 定型(150-160℃×1~2 分钟)


1. 整理后的衣物有良好的防皱免烫效果,提高织物的折皱回复能力;

2. 整理后的织物手感柔软;

3. 整理后的织物有很好的耐水洗效果。


1. 整理前的织物应保持洁净,没有杂质,使织物有较好的吸湿性;

2. 由于树脂反应需要在酸性催化条件下, 建议将被整理的织物布面的pH调整至中性范围内,不可使布面偏碱性;

3. 处理树脂前请根据工厂的设备及其它条件,进行必要的试验。以防影响织物的强力及色光;

4. 化料时用温水(约 30- 40℃),可保证产品良好的加工稳定性和持久效果。

贮 存

HOLPOSON® Ironing Free 包装:25KG、60KG的塑料桶,贮存期为 12 个月。 室内存放,避免高温、严寒。

Formaldehyde-Free and Ironing-Free Resin

HOLPOSON® Ironing Free

Ironing Free resin is a formaldehyde-free finishing agent for wash-and-wear and ironing-free treatment of cellulosic fiber and its blends. It is mainly used for anti-creasing finishing of apparel materials mainly including shirts, business wear and hats. It gives the fabric good anti-creasing and ironing-free functions. When being worn, materials are unstretched, creaseless and soft.

Physical & chemical properties:

Appearance: White viscous liquid

Solubility: Soluble in cold water in any proportion

Compatibility: Mixable with most finishing agents

It’s recommended to test in advance before mixing with other auxiliaries.


The general dosage in padding treatment: Ironing Free general concentration is 40-160g/L

Liquid retention rate: 70%

Dip and roll once → drying (110 ℃× 1-3min) → heat setting (150 ℃× 1-2min)


1. Treated apparels have good antiwrinkling and wash-and-wear effect

2. Treated textiles are soft

3. Treated textiles have good wash durability.


Before finishing, the fabric should be kept clean and free of impurities, so that the fabric has good moisture absorption;

Because the resin reaction needs to be catalyzed by acid, it is suggested to adjust the pH value of the fabric surface to neutral. The textile surface cannot be alkaline.

Before resin treatment, please carry out necessary tests according to the workshop equipment and other conditions in case of affecting the strength and color of textiles.

Dissolving with warm water (about 30-40 ℃) can ensure good stability in the process and good lasting effect.


1. Package: 25 or 60Kg/plastic

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